P2P Helping Parent (HP) Training Manual

P2P HP Manual Introduction and Table of Contents

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 1 – Orientation

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 2 – Emotional Adjustment

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 3 – Communication Skills

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 4 – The Helping Parent Role

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 5 – Into the Community

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 6 – Resources


Appendix A – Other Training Materials


Appendix B – Helping Parent Self Assessment


Appendix C – Terminology 05

Over the years, P2P USA has collected and compiled several surveys from our members. You may find some inspiration here:


P2P Helping Parent (HP) PowerPoint Manual – in Spanish

P2P Yakima Helping Parent (HP) Training PowerPoint in Spanish updated 2018 – (Compiled by P2P Yakima County)


Spanish P2P Capacitacion para el Padre Ayudante – (Compiled by King County 2018)


P2P Helping Parent (HP) Training Manual – Spanish

P2P HP Manual Introduction and Table of Contents

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 1 – Orientation

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 2 – Emotional Adjustment

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 3 – Communication Skills

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 4 – The Helping Parent Role

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 5 – Into the Community

P2P Helping Parent Chapter 6 – Resources


English and Spanish resource for Understood.org.  Information about the school system in Special Education, stories from parents and students and much more.  Easy to understand and navigate.  How we can be a good advocate for our children using the same language as the professionals use.


Skagit P2P Helping Parent Training – Presented by Heather Milliren, Skagit County P2P on April 29, 2015.  NOTE: This is for reference only and not to be copied by other programs.

Skagit P2P Helping Parent Training Skagit-P2P-COMMUNICATION-section-for-Helping-Parent-Training-APRIL-2015-for-WA-P2P-Webinar section
Helping Parent Training: Whatcom County P2P – Whatcom-P2P-GRIEF-SECTION-of-Helping-Parent-Training-APRIL-2015– Presented by Karlene Umbaugh, P2P Whatcom. Note: One should not use this material without research, especially on secondary loss.
Rachel Naomi Remen’s “Kitchen Table Wisdom” is a great resource on grief.
  • Accompanying Documents: Whatcom P2P Helping Parent Survey November 2014
  • The Dignity of Risk


Links to various video clips that were a part of this presentation:

  1. WA Parent to Parent Video series on YouTube
  2. Brene Brown’s “Empathy vs. Sympathy”
  3. “Welcome to Holland” poem by Emily Perl Kingsley as performed by Ron Silcock
  4. “Welcome to Holland” poem by Emily Perl Kingsley (with nice visuals and background music)
  5. “Sunshine After the Storm” how P2P can help by Rachel Nemhauser


There are many different visualizations on YouTube for “Welcome to Holland”. This is just a sample of what’s available.


“Welcome To Vegas” by Tracie Hoppis parent from Yakima-“When Andy was diagnosed with Autism, our lives were anything but serene and peaceful.  Sleepless nights, wild tantrums and marathon meltdowns, food phobias, restrictive and repetitive behaviors, invisible “triggers”, and daily sensory overload.  I think our lives more closely resembled Las Vegas! “


Finally, Karlene Umbaugh of Whatcom P2P uses mini containers of Playdough as a hands on activity during her training. She sets these out on the table and asks that each participant shape the Playdough into an animal that best represents themselves. Toward the end of the training she allows time for each participant to explain their animal. This offers insight about that participant for her to keep in mind when making a match.


If you have questions about the above Skagit or Whatcom County materials, please contact them directly.


Sample flyers to share new coordinators with your program areas.  Thank you Clallam County.
1st flyer – Sample Clallam County new Westend Coordinator
2nd flyer – Sample Clallam County new Westend Coordinator