Address: The Arc of Washington State, 2638 State Avenue NE Olympia, WA 98506
Phone: (360) 357-5596 | Toll Free: (888) 754-8798 | Fax: (360) 357-3279 | Email:
Do you have a priority agenda you would like to share? Contact Cathy Murahashi at
Community Residential Services Association
King County’s Legislative Priorities for Developmental Disabilities
Northwest Rare Disease Coalition (NWRDC)
Open Doors for Multicultural Families
Pierce County Developmental Disabilities Advisory Board
Self Advocates in Leadership (SAIL)
Washington State Developmental Disabilities Council
Washington Statewide Parent Coalitions
Association of County Human Services
Investing in Student Potential
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Special Education Priorities
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Budget Request