Network Emails from Tracie Hoppis to Coordinators (will keep one year)

2023 Jan 31st  Lang Line Partnering w/an Interpreter PP Lang Line Access Training P2P Lang Line Quick Reference Guide with County PINs
2023 Feb 14 2023 March 17 2023 March 27th
& 31st
2023 April 6
2023 April 18 Dan Thompson & DOH
HP revised form $400 mini grant
2023 May 11 Partners4Housing Partners4Housing flyer 2023 P2P Celebrating our Roots and our Family Tree AGENDA P2P 2023 Brag and Steal Presentation
 Susan Atkins – All About Me Susan Atkins Over the Years P2P Presentation
from DOH CHW
P2P USA Washington State Conference 2023
2023 June 23 2023 July 28 2023 Sept 13 2023 Oct 13
WA State MAP 22-23 WA P2P Q1 Report Summary 2023-2024 WA P2P Survey Guidance
2023 Nov 10th Mini Grant Invoice 2023 Nov 21 2023  Dan Thompson UPDATE
2023 Dec 8 2023 Dec 15th 2024 Jan 26th 2024 Feb 14th
2024 April 2nd 2024 April 26th