Address: The Arc of Washington State, 2638 State Avenue NE Olympia, WA 98506
Phone: (360) 357-5596 | Toll Free: (888) 754-8798 | Fax: (360) 357-3279 | Email:
2025 Advocacy Days
Advocacy Days, part of The Arc’s Advocacy Partnership Project, are held during each legislative session to involve individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD), their families and their service providers in the legislative process, giving them opportunities to make their voices heard by their legislators and to have an impact on policy and budget legislation that affects the services and supports available to them.
Download the flyer with registration links here.
In 2025 we will offer a mixture of opportunities for people to participate. All Advocacy Days begin at 10:00 am.- 11:30 am.
On January 15th, there will be a live Advocacy Day, the program begins at 10:00 am at United Churches in Olympia. The morning program will be live streamed. All other Advocacy Days will be virtual to make the meetings more accessible to people all around the state.
We will also be coordinating with several organizations who will be holding live rallies. Watch for further details.
Rally Days
February 19th– The Community Employment Alliance (CEA) @ 1:00
March 5th– Self-Advocates in Leadership (SAIL) and CRSA @ 1:00
How can we plan for our system to grow so that it meets the needs of our community?
In Person | 10:00 AM at Churches 110 11th Ave SE , Olympia, WA 98501
How can we ensure families have the support they need?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
How can I have a safe, affordable, inclusive place to live?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
How can I get the support I need to live in my home?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
IMPORTANT! CRSA Rally is cancelled! Will be re-scheduled.
How do we ensure that individuals have the adequate supports and individualized services needed to work and build relationships in the community?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
LIVE Community Employment Alliance (CEA) RALLY 1:00pm at the Capital
What is needed to ensure every student has an inclusive education?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
What are the community and housing supports needed to live successfully in the community?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
Self-Advocates in Leadership (SAIL) rally at 1:00 on the Captial steps.
How do we create welcoming communities and prevent social isolation?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
How do we ensure there is a quality workforce available to care for our loved ones?
Virtual | 10:00-11:30 AM
Click HERE to let us know how each Advocacy Day was for you!
Fill out the short form for each week you attend! ¡NECESITAMOS ESCUCHAR SU OPINIÓN! Haz clic aquí para dejarnos saber cómo le fue en cada uno de los Días de abogacía. Favor de llenar el cuestionario corto por cada semana que asistió.